Grundbok om syndikalism / Basic book on syndicalism

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The book cover of "Swedish syndicalism"

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Hösten 2021 gav Umeå LS av SAC ut häftet Vad vill syndikalismen? som en enkel PDF-fil. År 2024 släppte SAC texten som tryckt bok i samarbete med Federativs förlag. Boken genomgick en finputsning inför tryck och SAC:s centralkommitté lade till ett förord. Våren 2025 släpps gratis ljudbok och e-bok.

Köp tryckta boken >>här>>

Boken som utskriftsvänlig PDF >>här>> (stående A4) och >>här>> (liggande A4)

Boken på bibliotek >>här>>

Ljudbok och e-bok kan laddas ned från denna sida våren 2025.

Upplysande bok som besvarar frågor om vad syndikalism är idag av Catharina Bergman i Syndikalisten webbtidning
En bok om facklig organisering av Anders Svensson på Blog Zaramis
Det kommer mera…

Podcastavsnitt om samtida syndikalism
Intervjun Organisera, inte bara mobilisera med Daria Bogdanska i Malmö LS av SAC
Intervjun Sveriges arbetares ädla förening med Emil B och Pär H i Göteborgs LS av SAC
Intervjun Hemmasnickrad moral med Pelle Sunvisson i Stockholms LS av SAC

Artiklar om bokens ämne
Här samlas ytterligare artiklar om Vad vill syndikalismen? och ett urval andra texter som anknyter till bokens ämne.

Fackens kris och syndikalismens möjligheter av Rasmus Hästbacka i tidningen Arbetaren
Grundbok om syndikalism – hur kan den användas? av Rasmus Hästbacka i tidningen Syndikalisten
Andra arbetarrörelser är möjliga av Amalthea Frantz i Arbetaren
De tar fajterna tillsammans av Solveig Betnér i Syndikalisten webbtidning
Solidariska byggare – facket som tar strid för sina medlemmar av Volodya Vagner i Arbetaren
Ny strategi på galen arbetsmarknad av Jenny Stendahl, Erik Bonk och Rasmus Hästbacka i Arbetaren
Almegas tolkning utgår från att det inte ska strejkas alls av Gabriel Kuhn i Arbetaren
Lagar, konflikter, stress och press av Solveig Betnér i Syndikalisten webbtidning
Kollektivavtal för kriminella av Emil Boss i Arbetaren
”Indian rules” förebådar framtidens arbetsmarknad av Emil Boss i Arbetaren
Pressa chefen – ja, men hur då? av Rasmus Hästbacka i Syndikalisten webbtidning
Har facken ett liv efter döden? av Rasmus Hästbacka i Arbetaren plus en replik och svar samt slutreplik
Den svenska modellen är uträknad – Intervju med Gabriel Kuhn i Arbetaren
Arbetarna som vägrar lämna fabriken av Julia Lindblom i Arbetaren
Hamnarbetarförbundet vann – men vad är poängen med avtalet? av Rasmus Hästbacka i Arbetaren
Amazonifieringen av samhället genomlyst av Nette Wermeld Enström i Arbetaren
Här är jobben som kan ersättas av AI av Axel Green i webbtidningen Arbetsvärlden
När hatet mot löneslaveri var mainstream av Lars Högström i Arbetaren
Det går att organisera migranter – Intervju med Pelle Sunvisson i tidningen Allt om arbetsmiljö
SAC får inte bli elitistiskt av Pamela Otarola och Emil Boss i Arbetaren
Konsten att radikalisera en fackförening av Frederick Batzler i Arbetaren
Pendelstrejken visar behovet av medlemsstyrda fackföreningar av Rasmus Hästbacka i Ordfront Magasin
Därför är jag inte förvånad över att SEKO blåste av strejken av Viktor Boström i Arbetaren
Den ekonomiska vintern och smärtans ekonomi av Annie Hellquist i Arbetaren
Att rösta eller inte rösta? Det är inte frågan av Edvin Dahlgren på
USA:s gruvarbetare kräver ”en rättvis omställning” av Harald Gatu i tidningen Dagens Arbete
En grön Lenin? av Per-Anders Svärd i Arbetaren
Samförstörelsens anda och de byråkratiserade sociala rörelserna av Daria Bogdanska i Brand
En ideologisk kompass utan dogmer av Rasmus Hästbacka i Arbetaren
Ett nyårslöfte till alla syndikalister av Rasmus Hästbacka i Syndikalisten webbtidning
Förberedelser för ett frihetligt samhälle intervju med Jason Chrysostomou i Arbetaren

Se också Malmö LS Handbok för syndikat (nio sidor)

Läs även Organisatörens handbok!

Du kan ladda ned lathundar för organisering som bygger på boken.

Vad är skillnaden mellan boken Vad vill syndikalismen? (2024) och häftet (2021)?
Som sagt genomgick manuset en finputsning inför tryckning och ett förord lades till. Boken speglar stadgeändringar som gjordes på SAC:s kongress 2022. Finputsningen innebär också att pronomenet ”man” har ersatts av könsneutrala formuleringar. Vidare används begreppet icke-binär där det är relevant. Det refererar till personer som varken identifierar sig som man eller kvinna. Begreppet HBTQIA har också tillförts texten. Det är ett paraplybegrepp för homosexuella, bisexuella, transpersoner, queer, intersexpersoner och asexuella.


In the fall of 2021, the Umeå Local of SAC published Swedish syndicalism as a simple PDF file. In 2024, SAC released the text as a printed book in collaboration with Federativ Publishing House. The text was refined before printing and SAC’s central committee added a preface. A free ebook will be released in the spring of 2025.

Buy the printed book >>here>>

The book as printer-friendly PDF >>here>> (vertical A4) and >>here>> (horizontal A4)

Book in Swedish libraries >>here>>

The ebook can be downloaded from this site in the spring of 2025. An audio version will be available in Swedish but not English.

Articles on the book’s subject matter
Below, you see articles about the book and a selection of other texts related to the book’s subject matter.

Swedish unions in crisis – what solutions do syndicalists offer? by Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Libcom (originally on the sites Znetwork and Counterpunch)
Basic book on syndicalism – some tips on how to use it by Rasmus Hästbacka on Libcom
Ten years ago, Chicago teachers gave us all a jolt of hope by Alexandra Bradbury on the website of Labor Notes
What is union action? Bust the myths! by Rasmus Hästbacka in the US labor magazine Industrial Worker
Let’s find alternatives to striking by Kristian Falk and Rasmus Hästbacka on the union website Organizing Work
What worked and what didn’t: A history of organizing at Starbucks by Nick Driedger on Organizing Work.
The ABC of syndicalist sections by Rasmus Hästbacka on Znetwork
It starts on your job: Syndicalist proposals by Rasmus Hästbacka on Libcom
Don’t complain, organize! by Ellen David Friedman on Labor Notes
A syndicalist strategy for the Swedish labour market by Jenny Stendahl, Erik Bonk and Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Counterpunch
The upside-down pyramid on Organizing Work
Bust the myths about collective agreements by Emil Broberg and Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Znetwork
Swedish unions, why do we suck? by Rasmus Hästbacka on Organizing Work
Sweden’s unions need to wake up to new forms of exploitation by Volodya Vagner in Jacobin Magazine
Swedish syndicalists organizing at Zalando by Jon Bekken on Libcom
Boom without bust: Solidarity unionism for the long term by MK Lees and Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work
Socialist leaders won’t save unions – Interview with Nick Driedger about the “rank-and-file strategy” on Organizing Work
Big strikes and the sabotage of the labor movement by Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work.
Syndicalism for the 21st century: From unionism to class-struggle militancy by Torsten Bewernitz and Gabriel Kuhn on Counterpunch
The case for building new unions by Tom Wetzel on the website Black Rose, a shortened text from Wetzel’s book Overcoming Capitalism.
Anarcho-syndicalism: A historical closed door…or not? by Harald Beyer-Arnesen in the US labor magazine ASR
Let’s build class unions by Rasmus Hästbacka in the Industrial Worker
Make economic democracy popular again! by Rasmus Hästbacka on the website Znetwork
Militant unions – the backbone of ”movement socialism” by Edvin Dahlgren on Znetwork
A history of IWW’s organizer training program by Marianne Garneau on Organizing Work
(R)evolution in the 21st Century? by Rasmus Hästbacka on Znetwork

There are many good union podcasts in English. For instance, check out Wobcast, produced by members of the North American union IWW.

Also read Secrets of a succesful organizer!

What is the difference between the book Swedish syndicalism (2024) and the PDF (2021)?
As said, the script was refined before printing and a preface was added. The book reflects bylaw changes made at the 2022 SAC congress.The refinement also means that the term non-binary has been included in the text. It refers to persons who do not identify as male or female. The term LGBTQIA has also been added. It is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual persons.


På vår gamla hemsida fanns en klickbar ”FAQ” (”frequently asked questions”, vanliga frågor) om syndikalism, baserad på första delen av boken Vad vill syndikalismen? Våren 2025 läggs istället hela boken upp här som klickbar E-bok. Hela boken är disponerad som en FAQ i fyra delar.

Previously, there was a clickable FAQ about syndicalism here, based on the first part of the book Swedish syndicalism. In the spring of 2025, we will instead upload the entire book as a clickable ebook. The whole book is structured as an FAQ in four parts.


Har du inte tid att läsa en hel bok och vill läsa en kort sammanfattning av syndikalism, se SAC:s principförklaring. På svenska >>här>>. På engelska nedan.

If you don’t have time to read a whole book and want a brief summary of syndicalism, read SAC’s Declaration of principles (below). It was adopted at the 2022 Congress.

1. Syndicalism is an international trade union movement. In Sweden, the movement is represented primarily by the Central Organization of Workers in Sweden (SAC). This Declaration of principles expresses the current approach and aspirations of SAC. The text will therefore need to change as the organizing work through our union and the surrounding society develop.

2. SAC holds that trade unions have a dual function. In the short term, the struggle through unions is about enforcing immediate improvements in living conditions: higher wages, reduced stress, shorter working hours, an end to sexual harassment, better balance between work and leisure time/family, etc. In the long term, trade unions are tools for democratizing workplaces and thereby building equal societies. The production of goods and services must be managed by us who do the work. The production must also be radically changed in order to be adapted to human needs and the framework of the ecosystem.

3. The democratic guiding star of SAC is that everyone affected by decisions should have the right to influence decisions. By building member-run unions, employees can develop the collective strength and competence to introduce staff-driven workplaces in all industries. SAC believes that the only legitimate management is the management that workers have elected, that follows directives from the shop floor and that can be recalled immediately from below.

4. At each workplace where there are at least three syndicalists, an operating section can be formed. Such a section is a local union for all occupations except the bosses. Our sections practice self-determination in local affairs and direct democracy. Syndicalists can also form cross-union groups for all employees except bosses. Such groups can be supported by trade unions or function as an independent collaboration between colleagues.

5. Syndicalists put the common interests of the work force first. Syndicalists promote cross-union cohesion between all employees. The long-term purpose of building operating sections and cross-union cooperation is for the working population to take over the operation of the economy as a whole.

6. SAC regards direct action as the means to change workplaces and society at large. Direct action is action without representatives, carried out by the workers concerned themselves: strikes, blockades, slow-down actions, work-to-rule, etc.

7. Democracy in the workplace means that the concentration of economic power is dissolved. The long-term vision of SAC is that the concentration of political power in state and supranational bodies should be dissolved as well. Power must be brought down to the people. Just as every workplace should be governed by the staff, so too should every community be governed by the population.

8. Democracy in the workplace is a necessary precondition for a classless society, but not a sufficient condition for an equal society. An equal society presupposes that the social hierarchies based on gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and functional variation are also abolished. SAC conducts labour struggles with a feminist and anti-racist perspective. This perspective is a prerequisite for building union solidarity and, in the long run, introducing an equal society.

9. SAC is an organization for the working class as a whole. All employees except the bosses are welcome as members. The requirement for membership is that you respect the union democracy, act in solidarity at work and respect the union’s independence from all religious and political organizations. Everyone who is not a wage earner is also welcome as a member. In our class organization, all members are important, from the most active to the least active.

10. Syndicalists build a militant international trade union movement. Such a movement opens a historic opportunity to introduce equal societies around the world. Thus, a libertarian socialism will be realized. Our vision is nothing less than a world of free and equal people.